My Original Books

I believe imagination is a gift of God.
The Sword of Joshua cover

The Sword of Joshua

Warrior of Zion

Christopher was hiding in the Viridi forest from the black soldiers who killed his parents when he heard a voice saying, “Serve the king, serve men.” The Sword of Joshua was calling him to become the Warrior of Zion, defeat the armies of Lord Tenebris, and free the realm of Terra. He and his band of warriors would face the black soldiers, the treacherous daemonia, and monsters known as kerub. Adventure, friendship, and romance are waiting for you.



Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight is a fictional book with real science. Through a compelling story readers learn to defend their faith. The story is great for teenagers and adults, and is perfect for those who don't like reading books about apologetics. It tells the story of Dr. Robert Benson, a professor of anthropology at the prestigious Lenear University. He loved opening young minds to a godless universe created by natural causes. His life was perfect... until Joshua Green entered his classroom. He'd never met anybody so stubborn, so contradictory, so...right! And then came the call that changed everything. His life would never be the same!