Let me introduce you to the concept behind “The Sword of Joshua.” This premise sets the tone for the whole book:

I thought, what if:
- The Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) were a real sword you could wield?
- Spiritual warfare was with physical demons, and those people who joined them were identifiable by the way they dressed in black?
- Angels could appear and physically join you in the battle? What if cherubim, which Ezekiel 10:1 describes as creatures, could take the form of all kinds of mythical creatures?
That could make a great story, right?
I also had fun with the names used in this book. Let me introduce you to a few of the characters:
- Join Christopher as he is chosen to wield Lumen, which is The Sword of Joshua.
- For those who do not know, Joshua is Jesus’ Hebrew name.
- There is also King Amant, who dwells in Zion. This is the King of Love who represents God.
- There is Lord Tenebris, which translates, the lord of darkness. I think you know who that is.
“The Sword of Joshua” is a story of epic battles, friendship, romance, and betrayal.
That’s the basic concept behind “The Sword of Joshua.” Would you like to read more? Get my new book, The Sword of Joshua.