One of the big questions that must be answered about the origin of life is, “Where did the universe come from?” We know that the universe is expanding; therefore, it had a beginning. And it will have an ending someday. This has been a difficult question for evolutionists, “How does something come from nothing?”

“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”
-Stephen Hawking
There is a severe problem with this line of thinking.
The first question we must ask is, “What is gravity?” Anything that has mass also has gravity. Gravity, in fact, is created by mass. The larger the mass, the greater the gravity. “But what if there is no mass?” “What if there is no matter at all to create gravity?“
Stephen Hawking was a brilliant man, but this whole concept is flawed. It is scientifically impossible for something to come from nothing. To infer otherwise is to believe in a sort of ‘mystical magic’ because the idea of God is unthinkable to evolutionists.
The only rational answer can be that
the universe was created by God.
You can believe in the Bible and the story of creation. God was there. He knows what happened and He told us in Genesis chapter 1.
For more ways to strengthen your faith, read my book, “Hidden in Plain Sight.”